Chandler family law services
Helping Arizona families with divorce, child custody, child support, and other family law matters
To offer maximum experience and expertise, Joan Bundy Law focuses exclusively on divorce and family law matters. It makes sense when you think about it: If you have a complex health problem, you see a medical specialist. Why would you not entrust your unique and important legal issues to an attorney with specialized skills and experience?
Within the family law area, Joan Bundy Law offers a full range of services covering a wide range of legal issues, including annulments, child custody, child support, divorce, grandparents’ rights, guardianship, legal separation, mediation, modifications, parental termination, paternity, pet custody, property division, protective orders, relocation, same-sex issues, spousal maintenance (alimony), and unmarried partner issues.
Unlike bigger law firms, Joan Bundy Law gives you the personalized attention you deserve. Only one divorce and family lawyer handles your legal matter from beginning to end. Your attorney communicates with you directly and promptly, and knows your case inside and out.
Initial legal consultation
For each new or prospective client, Joan Bundy Law offers an initial consultation for $160. During this one-hour session, a divorce and family law attorney listens carefully to your situation, assesses your legal needs, discusses your legal options, and provides solid legal advice you can use immediately. By the end of the session, you have a good sense of the direction in which your case should go. Then you can decide whether you want to hire the lawyer and move forward.
Each initial session covers a lot of ground. Before the meeting, you are asked to complete a short questionnaire that helps your lawyer better understand your legal matter. You are also advised to bring copies of any pertinent documents. This helps make the best use of your time during the consultation.
Many law firms advertise free initial consultations. Joan Bundy Law does not. Why? Because often these “consultations” are merely a way of getting you in the door and getting you to sign a contract. Joan Bundy Law believes in delivering value, not sales pitches, scare tactics, or unreasonable promises.
Cost-effective alternatives
Most clients are concerned about the bottom line. Many are worried about the hourly fees most attorneys charge, justifiably concerned that the attorney has a disincentive to handle their case as efficiently and cost effectively as possible. Joan Bundy Law has listened to its clients and packages its services individually to achieve the best possible value using the most expedient, cost-effective approach.
Because family law matters involve many unknown variables, no lawyer can honestly tell you at the outset what the total cost will be. But Joan Bundy Law does everything possible to control and increase the certainty of your legal costs. Wherever possible, the firm offers flat-fee arrangements for specific services or unbundles services to make them more affordable, often referred to as limited-scope representation. For more complex matters, you may be quoted a flat fee for certain services or expenses, and an hourly rate for aspects of the case that are less predictable. Your lawyer may suggest mediation, which may be preferable to long, contentious court proceedings.
Reasonable fees
Unlike many law firms, Joan Bundy Law does not collect retainers. It collects advance fees. There is a big difference. A retainer, in the true sense of the word, is a fee paid strictly for the availability of the attorney. It does not pay for any actual work. In fact, a retainer is considered earned on receipt. In contrast, Joan Bundy Law immediately deposits advance payments into a trust account for safekeeping. By law, the money is yours until the work is performed. Any excess funds remaining at the end of your case are promptly refunded to you.
Joan Bundy Law never makes unrealistic promises that may sacrifice the quality of the services provided, such as a low flat fee for a highly complex legal matter. Your future and that of your family are far too important for anything less than the best possible representation.
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Contact an experienced Chandler family lawyer
Call the Chandler office of Joan Bundy Law at 480.463.4600 to find out how the firm’s divorce and family law services can help you achieve your legal objectives.